Instagram is an emulation of MySpace-now defunct in my mind, Twitter, and Facebook. There is a live news feed of pictures. You take pictures on your iPhone-or upload them onto Instagram and there are about fifteen different kinds of 'filters' that you can put on your picture. The result is a newsfeed of retro, vintage-inspired pictures. Just like Twitter or Facebook, you can like a picture or comment on it. You can also choose to follow your friends or famous photographers. Instagram is the place to be.
How can people come up with all of these amazing technologies and nuances without thinking of what it will do to our grades?! I find myself day after day taking a study break on Instagram or Facebook and not returning to my studies until forty-five minutes later. Recently I logged off of Facebook on my phone and deleted the app. I found that without this distraction on my phone, I got work done more efficiently. But of course, I had to get it back and a week or two later Facebook was back to being a huge time-sucker that pulled me away from my homework.

Instagram is the best; Facebook, almost as good.
I've never heard of Instagram. I'm going to check it out. Also, I think your question about what all this amazing new technology is doing to students' grades is an awesome one. Maybe teachers should be thinking about how we can use this technology to help students learn.